Thursday, March 6, 2025

Italian Bersaglieri Platoons: CoC Army Lists for the operations in the Mediterranean 1942-1943

I must confess that the research on the Bersaglieri was the most exhausting and contradictory so far for our CoC army lists.So many reorganisations, some of which were only ordered but never implemented, requests for changes from the divisions based on their combat experience, which were usually, but...

Friday, February 28, 2025

US Armoured Rifle Infantry Platoon: CoC Army List for the operations in the Mediterranean 1942-1943

This list has been compiled for the combat operations in the Mediterranean region in mind, i.e. ‘Operation Torch’ and the subsequent fighting in Tunisia until the surrender of the Germans and Italians, ‘Operation Husky’ and the conquest of Sicily, up to the landing on the Italian mainland.It ends with...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

US Parachute Infantry Platoon: CoC Army List for the operations in the Mediterranean 1942-1943

The standard Platoon of US Parachute Infantry, as it was used during ‘Operation Torch’, ‘Operation Husky’ and after the landing on the Italian mainland too.They belonged to the 82nd Airborne Division and were organised into two squads which would only change with ‘Operation Market Garden’ (from then...

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Project Livorno in 15mm: squadra Mortaio d'assalto Brixia Mod. 35

As I wrote in my Blog posts regarding the CoC Army Lists for the divisione "Livorno" ( and the standard organisation of the Metropolitan Fucilieri platoons (,...

Monday, February 10, 2025

Chain of Command AAR: Reconnaissance-in-force

Max and I used our monthly CoC game last Saturday to further refine our self-designed scenario.It is roughly based on a reconnaissance-in-force in which a central object has to be captured - in our case a farm dominating an important crossroads.A normal patrol phase is played, followed by a reconnaissance...

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Italian Fucilieri Platoon outside Africa Settentrionale (North Africa): CoC Army List for the operations in the Mediterranean 1942-1943

After my CoC Army List for the different structured platoons of the "Livorno", "Superga" (and later "Friuli") was ready it's now time for an Army List for the remaining Metropolitan (in Italy itself, or stationed in Albania, Greece and so on) divisions.This includes the fanteria costiera (Coastal Divisions)...

Friday, January 31, 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025

Chain of Command AAR: Counterattack on Piano Lupo

Saturday was the day again: we met for another game of Big CoC at my home - the scenario was ‘Attack on an Objective’.Max took over a platoon of the 2nd US Armoured ‘Hell on Wheels’, which was supported by a troop of 3 Shermans.Opposite them was a platoon of the Italian ‘Livorno’ led by Daniel and a...

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Project Livorno in 15mm: Cannone da 47/32 "Elefantino"

Now that the army list for Chain of Command has been researched, I can get back to painting, starting with some support options for my 4ª Divisione d'Assalto ‘Livorno’.The first unit is a Cannone da 47/32, also called ‘Elefantino’ - a much needed AT gun against all these Shermans of the US Boys.Model...

Monday, January 20, 2025

Italian Fucilieri Platoon for Livorno, Superga and Friuli: CoC Army List for the operations in the Mediterranean 1942-1943

For my first project for 2025, I've been doing a lot of research over the last few weeks to create the most accurate army list possible (at least for me) for Chain of Command:The 4ª Divisione d'Assalto ‘Livorno’, which fought with so much determination and valour in the defence of Sicily in 1943.The...